Use Regulations
This Regulation regulates the rights and obligations of users of the bus transport provided by TILP. It will be the obligation of the users to comply with the precepts of the current Regulations that include aspects of the Highway Code, the Road Safety Act and the applicable legislation of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
A journey is understood to be the use of the same vehicle on the route defined by it, from access at a stop to abandonment by users at any stop along the route of the line used.
The user's right to use the services provided within the established timetables is recognised, in accordance with the quality level defined by TILP.
The lines, timetables and frequencies, duly updated, will always be available to users at the company's offices, bus stations, as well as on the website www.transporteslapalma.com or www.tilp.com and the information telephone number. The frequencies shown in the information on the stop or marquee are for guidance only and may be affected, among other things, by adverse traffic circumstances. The timetables are those in force at the time of publication of the information leaflets. It is recommended that you confirm the details of the journey in case there are any variations after publication.
1. Users must board the bus at the established stops. They must indicate to the driver, preferably by hand, or by any other unmistakable indication, the intention to request a stop, with sufficient time to carry out the manoeuvre. If no one else does so, the driver is not obliged to carry out the stop. In the case of Stations, it is totally forbidden to circulate in areas not enabled for pedestrian use and behind buses.
2. The users are obliged to get on the bus through the front door and get off through the central or rear door, unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
3. Persons with physical disabilities and/or reduced mobility shall access the vehicle, provided that it is an authorised vehicle, through the rear door, which shall comply with the accessibility measures established in the regulations.
4. For safety reasons, passengers should not get into the bus until it is completely stopped, and not when closing the doors or resuming the journey.
5. Once the vehicle has started to move, there is no obligation to stop it again to allow access to new users. Exceptions to this rule are at the driver's discretion, provided that the conditions are right and that this does not involve risks for users inside or outside the vehicle.
6. When a bus approaches with the line sign off, this means that it will not pick up users, but will simply stop at the stop to drop off users who have requested it. This is due to the correction of frequency or another incident in the operation of the line. Normally, another bus always comes after this one.
7. If a bus interrupts its service due to an incident (breakdown, etc.) attributable to TILP, the bus will be replaced as quickly as possible and users will be able to use the next one with the same ticket, without having to pay for a new one.
8. Except in an emergency, in the event of a cut-off, traffic congestion or detour by the competent authority, TILP vehicles will make the marked journey, at the established time. Delays in the timetable are not the responsibility of the driver.
9. When the vehicle is at full occupancy, the front door will not be opened to allow new users to board. If the vehicle is almost full, the driver shall indicate the number of passengers that can be boarded. This indication shall be respected, but if it is not, the driver shall be obliged not to resume driving for the safety of the rest of the passengers and because the accident and liability insurance would not cover the excess passengers of the bus.
10. Users may be picked up standing on the buses in the percentages and according to the route established in the legislation in force and as indicated by the manufacturer, and the driver shall be responsible for ensuring that these percentages are complied with without exceeding them, in the event that the driver instructs users to sit down or that no more users can get on to travel standing up and this is not complied with, he or she shall be obliged not to resume driving.
11. In the event of discrepancy or doubt by the driver regarding the identity of the holder of the voucher or personalized card, he/she may ask for an ID card in order to corroborate said identity. In the event of refusal, the user must pay the amount of the ticket in cash.
12.For the issue of a ticket or individual journey, it is recommended to carry the exact amount of each journey, accepting a maximum of 20€ for the payment of the travel ticket.
1. The instructions given by the driver shall be followed at all times in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.
2. It is not allowed to talk to the driver while driving for safety reasons. If you have any questions regarding the service, please wait until the bus is stopped.
3. The user must travel respecting and complying with the safety measures, holding on to the bars or handles, and be careful with the doors when opening and closing them.
4. Special consideration will be given to those persons who, due to their age or physical conditions, have their mobility reduced. Seats reserved for physically disabled persons shall be respected, and seats shall be made available to those who require them, including the elderly and pregnant women.
5. Persons with reduced mobility travelling in wheelchairs shall be placed in the reserved area, which shall be sufficiently marked with the international symbol of accessibility.
6. Visually impaired persons accompanied by a guide dog shall be given preference in reserving a seat, which shall be the widest and most spacious in its environment or adjacent to the aisle area.
7. It is forbidden to carry out any actions that may disturb the correct performance of the service and disturb other passengers (e.g., being drunk or under the influence of drugs, throwing objects, smoking, eating, drinking, staining the vehicle, using radios or playback devices at a volume that disturbs, shouting, etc.). The driver or the inspector have the right to make the vehicle leave the bus if the rules of conduct or coexistence are not respected for safety reasons, being obliged not to resume driving until they are respected.
8. Child seat: the driver will allow access to the bus to people with the baby seat deployed, provided that the bus allows it because it is adapted for people with disabilities and low floor, and may place the baby seat in the place enabled for people with disabilities with wheelchairs, having to remove it as soon as a person with disabilities and/or in a wheelchair accesses the same route. In non-adapted vehicles, the trolley must be folded up and secured when boarded, as well as carrying the child/children for the entire journey.
*** Children under 6 years of age are not allowed to travel unaccompanied by an adult during the transfer. For minors between 6 and 12 years old travelling unaccompanied, the guardian or parent must fill in a document beforehand so that the transfer can be carried out. Whenever they are travelling alone, these minors must be waited for by an adult at one of the stops along the route. If they arrive at the end of the stop and no adult comes to meet them, the state security forces will be informed immediately so that they can take charge of the minor.
9. The user must use the stop request indicators sufficiently in advance or, where appropriate, give a clear and unambiguous voice prompt. If the driver does not do so, he or she is not obliged to stop outside the areas established for picking up and dropping off users, and the user must get off at the next one, as long as he or she uses the indicators.
10. If there are differences of opinion between users regarding the opening or closing of windows, the weather conditions shall be taken into account. The windows shall be closed while the air conditioning is in operation.
11. It is not permitted to carry packages that, due to their size, class, shape or other qualities, may disturb and detract from the space that can be used by other users. The same applies to those users who soil or release unpleasant odours. Nor should they carry weapons or other dangerous, inflammable or toxic objects, and they should leave the bus under the driver's instructions.
12. Accredited guide dogs are allowed to travel (Article 11 R.D. 1428/03 of 21 November). Only domestic animals that do not exceed 10kg in weight are allowed in a closed carrier that does not exceed 60 x 35 x 35 cm.
13. Folding scooters are permitted on board if there is sufficient space and provided that they are stowed safety. They need to be no more tan 100cm long and 60cm wide. The owner is liable for any damage that could be caused.
14. Bicycles are not allowed inside the bus. They may only be transported when there is a luggage compartment, as long as they are unassembled, lined and clean so as not to damage or stain the rest of the luggage or packages that are travelling in the luggage compartment. Luggage and other packages will be given preference over bikes in the trunk of the bus.
15. It is not allowed to distribute leaflets and any kind of propaganda or publicity inside the bus.
1. Users may only get off the bus through the central and rear doors, with the front door being for the exclusive use of new users, except for those with reduced mobility who may get off at the front, when they are closer to it, by prior request to the driver.
2. Chairs used by persons with reduced mobility or disability shall be lowered on the ramp provided for this purpose in vehicles which have them.
3. Extreme caution must be taken when, due to an obstacle, the bus cannot approach the pavement and the user must move quickly towards the pedestrian area.
4. The vehicle must be cleared by all users at the end of the journey. Users who wish to continue their journey shall get out and save their turn to get back into the vehicle, as if they were doing so, for all purposes for the first time.
The company's personnel will have the obligation to be correctly uniformed, to treat users correctly, to inform them as much as possible about the services, and to comply, whenever circumstances allow it, with the established schedules and lines.
The inspection staff will be the maximum authority while on the bus and their decisions will be respected by the users and the driver. The main task of this staff is to check that users are in possession of the corresponding travel document. They do an important job, avoiding fraud that would be detrimental to everyone. They also check that all users have their travel documents and that they are covered by the guarantees included in the accident insurance policy.
Drivers and inspectors will prevent entry and force down those who try to carry out any action prohibited in this manual and, in general, any person who, by their incorrect behaviour, or by their words, gestures or attitudes, attempts to undermine respect for other users or disturb the order.
Traffic managers and drivers are not entitled to replace defective passes.
Users may claim for damages and losses suffered as long as they are sufficiently accredited and their causal relationship with the provision of the service is demonstrated, except for those produced in cases of force majeure, breakdowns, labour disputes, accidents or other causes beyond the control of the transport company, in which there is no intention or negligence.
For any claim that the user wants to express about the service provided, it is mandatory to provide claim forms. They will be available at the offices of the bus stations, or at the provincial Consumer Associations.
It is essential to keep the ticket for any complaint.
TILP cannot accept legal responsibility for objects stolen from the luggage compartment or inside the buses, except when handled by our employees. We therefore recommend that you do not transport valuable objects other than in your hand luggage and that you keep an eye on these objects at all times during the journey. When a user suffers an injury in the vehicle, he or she will be attended to by the driver, who will also take note of his or her personal details so that the corresponding report can be made..
The purchase will be made in any of the regular service buses, requesting it from the driver. The cost of the same is 1 euro, which the customer leaves in deposit for its use.
All passes expire 1 year after their last recharge.
The transport document (ticket, wallet, special documents) includes civil responsibility insurance and obligatory passenger insurance. Users must keep the ticket in their possession until the end of the journey, at the disposal of any TILP employee. If this is not the case, they must leave the bus at the next stop or pay the cost of the ticket.
Users who use the payment method on the bus, will try to pay the ticket with the exact currency, without this being an obstacle for the driver to be obliged to change, as long as it does not exceed 20 euros for the minimum ticket. For security reasons, the driver will not be able to provide the corresponding change to users who wish to pay with amounts greater than 20 euros per single ticket.
Minors up to and including five years of age, i.e. under six years of age, are entitled to travel free of charge, provided that they are accompanied by an adult in possession of the corresponding travel document and do not occupy a seat.
In the event of any incident or complaint about the wallet, the user will go to any of the TILP offices.